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Brand Awareness, What is It and Why is Important?

Marketers are aware of the fact that they have to build brand awareness. As a matter of fact, building brand awareness has been the primary goal for B2C and B2B marketers for several years.

What is Brand Awareness?

Brand awareness shows how familiar a brand’s target audience is with the brand and whether they are recognizing it well. Brands that have a high brand awareness are usually known as popular or trending. It is valuable to establish or increase brand awareness with the Easypromos engagement solution when you are promoting or marketing the products or the company. This is especially important in the early half of the business.

In reality, brand awareness might appear like a vague concept. For business owners and marketers who like to determine their success with tidy and near numbers, brand awareness can surely make a difference. Simply because it is not a metric that can be properly determined does not mean that it does not have any value. Brand awareness is important for all business success and for achieving marketing goals.

Importance Of Brand Awareness

Importance Of Brand Awareness

Importance of Brand Awareness:

  • Brand awareness helps a company to foster trust among the customers. Consumers tend to rely on their own research or the opinion of others prior to making a purchase. Thus, the brand trust holds a significant value. When consumer bonds with the brand, they are likely to repeat the purchase without thinking twice. This helps a brand gain their loyalty and trust. When your brand has a proverbial face to the brand, the consumers will be able to trust you easily.
  • If you get a paper-cut, you look for a Band-Aid and when you are going out for a picnic, you buy a Coke for drinking. You will notice that instead of using a bandage, people tend to use ‘Band-Aid’ and ‘Coke’ instead of soft drinks. This is what brand awareness does. It creates an association and people to refer to the brand even when they are using some other product. Brand awareness associated products and actions with a certain brand.
  • Brand awareness also helps in building brand equity. Brand equity is the value of the brand and this is decided by the experience of the consumer with an overall perception of a brand. If they have a positive perception and experience, it leads to positive brand equity and if they have a negative perception, it leads to negative notions. Some things that come out of positive brand equity are higher stock price, higher prices because of higher value, greater social impact because of the brand name value, and the capability to expand the company through service or product line extensions.

Tips to Establish a Brand Awareness:

If you have to raise awareness for your brand by running some advertisements on social media sites, you are not going to go too far. It will make the consumer focus on the product or service and not on the brand. However, the ad is also going to lack an impact. Take a look at some of the ways you can create a lasting impression on your audience.

1. Socialize

Humans benefit a lot when they spend time with each other and socialize. This is how they stay connected to each other and get to know new things. The same thing is applicable to a different brand. If you connect with your audience simply to make a sale, you are not going to know for anything beyond the business. In order to create awareness for the brand, you have to be social. Post things unrelated to the services and products you provide on social media. Ask questions to interact with the audience, you can also do this by commenting on the posts.

2. Tell a Narrative

One of the most powerful ways to market your brand is to adopt storytelling. This will provide your audience with something real and they can latch on to it. Craft a narrative to humanize the brand and this gives it depth. When you weave this narrative into marketing, it will help in marketing your brand along with the products and services. You can choose any narrative but make sure it is true.

3. Make Sharing Easier

No matter which industry you are operating in or what marketing strategy you are following, you should make it easier for the audience to share the content. This can be sponsored content, blog posts, social media posts, and videos. Irrespective of what it is, it has to be shareable. You should not forget; word-of-mouth marketing is an efficacious way to establish familiarity and trust among the customers. When someone sees that their family member or friend is recommending a product or service, they are sure to take notice of it.

4. Be a Person Instead of a Company

As you get to know someone new, what would you like to discover about them? Their dislikes, likes, passions, hobbies, and more. These are things that your brand should consider promoting itself. It is all about leaving an impact on the audience. Thus, you need to define yourself more than simply a company that is selling stuff.

To create brand awareness, you have to interact with the audience and in ways where you are not going to ask for loyalty, money, or participation. You need to avoid making a shallow approach as it doesn’t leave a lasting impact on the audience. If you follow the above techniques, you can see a huge impact on the marketing efforts, perception of the consumers, and ultimately the revenue.

Brand awareness doesn’t happen overnight. Also, it does not happen from just one marketing campaign or advertisement. In order to create strong brand awareness, your company has to put in a series of efforts that will extend beyond making an attempt to get customers who will pay for the product or service. You need to make a lasting impact on the audience.

When you create brand awareness, you will have a loyal audience that will recognize your brand among the competitors and will opt for your products and services every time.

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