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H1B Reforms Bill: 1st Priority To US-Educated Foreigners, 50% Cap On Hiring H1B Holders?

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H1B Reforms Bill: 1st Priority To US-Educated Foreigners

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H1B Reforms Bill: 1st Priority To US-Educated Foreigners

As per the latest reports coming in, a legislation has been introduced in the chambers of the US Congress. This legislation proposes that those foreigners who are educated in the US should be given priority while issuing a working visa, or the H-1B visa.

What is the reason behind this legislation being introduced? How will this affect us? Find out all the details right here!

H-1B Visa Reforms Introduced To Give Priority To US Educated Foreigners

A bipartisan group of lawmakers has introduced a legislation in both the chambers of the US Congress with the intention to implement major changes in the skilled non-immigrant visa programmes. 

The H-1B and L-1 Visa Reform Act was introduced in the House of Representatives and Senate, and it will require US Citizenship and Immigration Services to give priority to US-educated foreigners while issuing H-1B visas. 

It was introduced in the Senate by Senators Chuck Grassley and Dick Durbin. Of which, Senator Grassley has expressed that there is a necessity for programmes that will dedicatedly work towards putting Americans first. 

He said, “When skilled foreign workers are needed to meet the demands of our labour market, we must also ensure that visa applicants who honed their skills at American colleges and universities are a priority over the importation of more foreign workers. Our bill takes steps to ensure that the programs work for Americans and skilled foreign workers alike.”

Bill To Forbid Replacing American Workers By  H-1B or L-1 Visa Holders

This bill also forbids the replacement of American workers by H-1B or L-1 visa holders. They have clarified their line of reasoning behind this by stating that the working conditions of the similarly employed American workers will not be affected by the hiring of an H-1B worker. This also includes the H-1B workers who have been employed by another employer at the American workers’ worksite. 

It also requests for a crackdown on outsourcing companies who bring in a large masses of H-1B and L-1 workers for temporary training purposes and send them back to their home countries to carry out the same job.

This will affect the companies with more than 50 employees, of which at least half are H-1B or L-1 holders as they won’t be able to hire additional H-1B visa workers.

“H1B Reforms Bill: 1st Priority To US-Educated Foreigners, 50% Cap On Hiring H1B Holders?”, 5 out of 5 based on 2 ratings.

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