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ConnectPal, Facebook, Twitter: The Best Times to Post Content During COVID-19 Shutdown

During the COVID-19 pandemic, many people are relying on social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and ConnectPal to help keep them connected with friends, family, business associates, and more.  In the current state, social media usage has ramped up significantly as people continue to obey shelter at home orders.

In fact, Facebook has reported an “unprecedented increase in the consumption of news articles” specifically and traffic from the platform to other websites has also risen by more than 50%, as people seek updates and insights. These days – for most people – social media is a way of life and another reason why now may be the best time to market yourself, brand, or business on the social media platforms that you use the most.

As the coronavirus outbreak continues to disrupt daily life, the times’ people are active on social media are constantly shifting. A most recent guide by Sprout Social has made new recommendations as to the best times to post on social media, which will help guide your engagement strategy during the pandemic.

Here’s what the latest report found.


As more people visit Twitter to check the latest news, the platform’s usage patterns have remained fairly consistent.  Currently, the best time to post on Twitter is Friday 7–9 a.m., with 9 a.m. showing the peak of activity.


Based on information and data gathered between March and April, (the height of the COVID-19 lockdown) the current best times to post to Facebook are Monday, Wednesday, and Friday from 10 am to 11 am.


Instagram’s activity has possibly shifted the most during the last two months and is now much more concentrated on the workday.  Current trends show less early morning activity and a sharp drop off after 6 pm. That means mid-afternoon is the best time to post.  Specifically – Monday, Tuesday, and Friday at 11 a.m. and Tuesday at 2 p.m.

With the new data out, social media marketers can utilize the ‘best posting’ time suggestions to gain more followers.

For ConnectPal users, the most efficient way to market yourself for maximum reach is to copy and paste your profile links on the social media platforms that you use the most during the times’ Sprout Social suggested.  For example, if your ConnectPal Profile name is Paul York, and your ConnectPal Profile link is – then you can copy and paste that link in your Instagram Biography.  Or, you can share your Facebook profile link on Twitter and vice versa.  The more you share your social media profiles, the more potential followers you will gain.

As we continue to navigate through the coronavirus pandemic it’s important to keep apprised of how people are using social media.   The current data could shift even further depending on how the pandemic situation escalates over the coming weeks and months.  Check back frequently for the latest data so you can adapt your social media strategy as fit.

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