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14 WordPress Plugins to Boost Conversion Rate

Having a well-designed website with excellent content is not enough these days. Every website needs to be like a well-oiled machine that has all the right parts, working perfectly together, bringing the most value to its consumers, and the best possible ROI for its owners. Conversion rates are a good indicator if your website is well-oiled and functioning as it should. The very reason why you opened a website is to connect with your target market and communicate how you can add value to their lives, bringing solutions to their queries, and hopefully, get them to convert from onlookers to consumers. What good is a website if nobody ever visits it? What good is great content if it cannot lead to conversions?

If you have done everything that you could—you set-up your website correctly, designed it beautifully, and produced killer copywrite—but you are still not seeing much traffic and conversion, look under the hood of your website. See if you are using the right WordPress plugins to boost your conversation rate.

Here are 14 WordPress Plugins that can help you increase your conversion rates and improve your sales:

Table of Contents

14 WordPress Plugins to Increase your Conversion Rates

1. Yoast SEO

Yoast is included in the most downloaded WordPress plugins with more than 15,000 downloads to boast of. It has page analysis done in real-time to help you manage content, images, keywords, titles, and meta descriptions. It analyses the readability of your copy and checks grammar and literary style so you can make the necessary adjustments. You can also set this plugin to indicate the pages you want Google to index or not, and to generate URLs automatically to prevent your website from being penalised by Google for duplicate content. It can help you create readable XML sitemaps and greater control over breadcrumbs. Yoast SEO is continuously updated as well and comes with a premium version for more features.

2. OptinMonster

OptinMonster is a tool that helps you to optimise your email list on your WordPress website by allowing you to integrate the use of forms on your blogs to get critical information from your readers. There are numerous templates to choose from. OptinMonster also works well with most email marketing suppliers like Campaign Monitor and Constant Contact.

3. MailChimp Integration / List Subscribe Form

Email marketing and integration are so crucial in your Conversion Rate Optimisation campaign or CRO. It’s best for building relationships, generating new customers, and increasing sales on your website. Email newsletters meet your audience halfway, allowing your readers to get important updates from you automatically, and without having to go to your website.

With the MailChimp Integration plugin, you can create and manage email campaigns easily, add subscribers, create forms, and design templates. MailChimp allows you to keep up to 2,000 subscribers and 12,000 emails per month at no cost, perfect for start-ups that do not want to blow up their funds on digital campaigns as much. It can automatically add new subscribers to your list by campaigns and put subscription forms in your WordPress site. Mail Chimp also allows you to create mobile-responsive content for cross-platform conversion.

4. OptimizePress

With OptimizePress, you can make mobile-friendly customised pages (sales page, landing page, product launch funnels, webinar registration pages). You can build new pages on your existing website with an integrated live-editor-type of page builder. You can add content to your pages and see how your finished page will look like, even while you’re still editing.

5. WordPress Call to Action

A call to action (CTA) is an invitation to perform an action, like “buy now” or “upgrade now.” WordPress Call to Action plugin lets you create compelling CTAs that leads to homerun conversions. You can also track and monitor conversion rates and run a/b split tests on your call to action buttons to increase leads. It’s a simple, yet powerful inbound marketing tool with features such as visual editor, CTA popups, cloning option, and the like.

This free plugin lets you tweak the size, colour, content, and placement of your CTA button with no coding required. WordPress Call to Action will enable you to monitor your conversion rates, track views, and clicks. If you do A/B split testing, you can zero in on the best version CTA as you can monitor all this information.

6. Custom Sidebar Plugin

Custom Sidebars is a plugin that lets you create unlimited sidebars to improve your page views. In these sidebars, you can easily display relevant content, adequate menus, and persuasive CTA buttons on different posts and pages of your site. Whatever you add is customizable, and integration is also not a problem.

7. WordPress Landing Pages

Best used together with the WordPress Call to Action as they sync up and track conversions hand-in-hand. For example, you could monitor the number of people clicked your recent campaign’s CTA, but dropped out at the landing page. When this happens, you’ll identify the weak points of the campaign that needs adjusting. In this case, the landing page.

Landing pages, or conversion pages or splash pages, should be simple, with clear designs and compelling verbiage. It’s a call to ACTION. If readers are not moved to act, then there must be something you need to adjust pages on your site. Just like the WordPress CTA, you don’t need to have coding skills to use this plugin. Landing pages should always be found on the website or main domain, as you continue to establish trust and rapport with people through the main domain.

8. Nelio AB Testing

This Plugin allows you to do two versions of your webpage and see which one will work the best. Nelio A/B Testing will enable you to configure this from your dashboard. It helps you test the landing pages, as well as posts, pages, widgets, custom post types, themes, headlines, and the like.

9. Kissmetrics

Kissmetrics plugin helps you pinpoint the MVPs in your email list, and target them with your outreach programs to focus your investments on high-yielding clientele. You’ll also get feedback about the hits and misses in your products—why customers love it or why others are cancelling their orders or subscriptions. It nips cart abandonment in the bud, track leads across all platforms, and increase website engagement.

10. Survey Funnel

Survey Funnel helps you generate leads, engage with your target audience, gather customer information, and build effective sales funnel. Digital marketing experts like the simplicity and effectiveness of this plugin that has a wide range of features, one of which is Conditional Logic that can help create the next questions based upon the last users- response. Super Analysis, on the other hand, let’s you see how visitors are responding to your designed surveys to reinforce CRO Strategies.

11. Monarch Social Sharing

It’s one of the most popular social sharing services for WordPress since its launch in 2015. Your audience will be at a standstill if you do not provide a tap for your content to flow, and social sharing is an excellent tap for your content that increases growth organically. With Monarch, you can control where you place your social share buttons and how they’ll look on your page. You can also show the number of social shares to encourage more sharing and engagement. You can adjust these icons to be mobile-responsive.

Monarch’s dashboard helps you monitor sharing statistics. It’s helpful to determine on which social media platforms you need to up your ante and which ones are doing well enough for more follow-up campaigns. It’s easy to locate active readers and send them a popup to make a purchase or share your content. You can use it for free for 30 days, so you can test if it’s worth investing in.

12. Facebook Comments

Gaining comments is needed to build and increase trust ratings, thus increasing conversion. But because some users find it a bother to leave a comment, this plugin comes in handy as it lets people share their views with a click of a button.

13. ReferralCandy

ReferralCandy is a plugin that helps you keep visitors and customers hooked for a long time. With this tool, you can also create compelling referral programs to reward your customers with free products, store credit, cash, or discounts. Inbuilt widgets can be used to set if your ReferralCandy popups will appear after purchase, as a click-to-open popup, or embedded into the sharing page.

14. Backup Breeze

Keeping your website safe for improved SEO is a must because of the alarming increase in malware and data breaches we see and hear about today. Backup Breeze is a plugin that keeps your website protected and backed up. It works well with any theme and WordPress version. You can use preselect files that don’t require a manual backup with its inbuilt logic feature.

Conclusion: Use the Right WordPress CRM Tools for Your Website

There are more tools in WordPress, in fact, by the thousands, to cater to all kinds of websites and needs out there using the WordPress CRM platform. Not all are made equal, so use plugins from reputable sources that won’t contribute to site slowdowns and even data breach or malware attacks. Choose those that can turn your investment into something profitable, and at the same time, serve the needs of your audiences the best. Don’t be afraid to experiments with what tools go best together for your website; don’t shy away from feedback, whether good or bad, and keep improving your WordPress site until you get it right and see your CRO strategies drive conversions and sales ratings up.

Author bio:

Ramon has been writing about technology trends, entertainment, and gaming ever since he left the busy world of corporate HR Tech behind. He currently writes about software and user experiences for Softvire – the leading software e-Commerce company in Australia. In his spare time, Ramon writes science fiction, collects little yellow men and plastic spaceships.

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