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Stay Anonymous on the Internet: Check Utopia Service For Free!

Network security requires constant work and a keen eye for detail. Or no? Now I doubt it as I have recently come across the new P2P ecosystem.

Honestly speaking, I have been searching for a secure messenger for quite long. The existing solutions dissatisfied me: data leakage, some security flops which arise because of the synchronization problems, and so on.

Anonymous on the Internet

So I found an article about Utopia and “you never can tell” thought popped into my mind, and I decided to join its beta. After a weak of using it, I managed to form my own opinion on the whole ecosystem, and here it is!

General impression

For the reference, Utopia is a decentralized peer-to-peer network. It includes IM and mail, a digital token which can be freely mined, file storage and transfer, built-in image viewer, wallet, built-in browser, and even some games. It was developed by guys from the UK, who were fed up with the lack of confidentiality and security on the Web. They were working on the product for 5 years, that’s impressive stamina. Today I’m going to evaluate the results of their hard work.

What I liked:

  • the whole network is decentralized – each user takes part in the transfer of data;
  • that the ecosystem, it offers an all-in-one solution;
  • all data is encrypted at the user’s local device;
  • its UNS is an advanced alternative to DNS;
  • no censorship and other restrictions – freedom of speech and expression in all forms;
  • your location won’t be revealed;
  • your chats and data won’t be intercepted and read by the 3rd parties.

Closer to the solutions

Instant messenger

Utopia offers an encrypted messenger which allows sending instant voice and text messages. That means that only the receiver will be able to decrypt your message — no extraneous interference.

You can create chat groups and news channels which can be geotagged – thanks to uMaps. It is quite beneficial for businesses.

The interface of the messenger is quite simple but robust. I’ve never faced any difficulties searching for the necessary button and function.

As for the security, it’s really on the highest level as promised by the devs – cutting edge encryption methods are applied.

Moreover, the tons of cool stickers and emojis keep the IM fresh and unique.


That is a classic email we all are used to (you won’t be confused), but a safe and secure one – here, no servers are involved for mail sending or storage.

It includes an inbox, a trash folder, filters, and search functionality and illimitable messaging and attachment storage. It what is necessary for convenient business communication.


Its Idyll browser is like Tor but better. It’s a built-in browser which allows surfing on various kinds of resources and specifically sites inside Utopia IN, of course, anonymously. That’s the essence.


Utopia introduces built-in e-wallet. You are allowed to handle and receive all kind of payments denominated in Crypton. It is a Utopia’s own cryptocurrency. You can receive payments at your website, pay by Crypto Cards without exposing your public key.

Don’t worry, Crypton can be mined. When you run your Utopia software, you will get your share of a collective reward. That’s such a sophisticated way to say thank you for the ecosystem support. And that attracts a lot of users.

In addition, such kind of mining does not slow your PC down. Plus, you will save a couple of glaciers as the carbon footprint from it will be zero (or almost.)

Utopia offers API and console client serves fast and easy integration into the 3rd party apps and own solutions development.

They say you can use bots at several servers to speed up mining, but I didn’t try. Those Crypton I received was enough for me.


If you have time, you can play games with your mates or even create your own. As for me, I used the ecosystem primarily for business matters, and I simply have no time for entertainment. Those artistic stickers were far enough for me.

But if you are fond of games, Utopia can become your Holy table.


The consistency and performance of the network are provided by the parties who use it. It is guaranteed by the connectivity as they take part in data transfer in encrypted mode.

What is the final judgment of this secure messenger?

Well, I think that’s all aspects I intended to cover. Our world requires modern solutions for our convenient and secure Being Online. I truly believe that Utopia is one of the best products existing, which protects the privacy of personal interaction, discretion, and safety of personal details. The fact that it offers the fully-fledged solution which allows you not to switch from mail to browser and from messenger to your wallet, add even more value to it.

By the way, their beta testing is still ongoing. If you are interested in modern web solutions, you still can submit your participation and test all the features by yourself. As they say, trying once is better than reading twice.

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